Opening and Withdrawing on Mean Finance

    Over the last month, what volume of assets are Mean Finance (Polygon) users opening positions with (selling)? What assets are they dollar-cost averaging into (withdrawing swapped assets)? Note any large positions that don’t make sense on Ethereum due to transaction fees.


    Mean Finance provides a useful product which enables you adjust you strategies in different market situations specially bear market. Mean Finance provides DCA which stands for Dollar-cost Averaging ( You can read more detailed information about Mean finance and DCA here) Short and simply put, you can set up a positions and order the smart contract to buy your desired assets, on a time period basis, by exact same amount; For example buying 5 DAI worth of ETH every week. This helps you to lower down your risk of not buying the deep!

    Methodology and Analysis

    Opening a position in mean finance requires you to deposit all your allocated fund into smart contract. based on your time period and amount set, your initial supply will be divided and used to buy every time. Taking profit (or loss maybe!) means than you withdraw what was swapped or bought till now.

    Now we are going to see some information about this two metrics:

    • Top 5 assets that are being used to open a position (selling assets) are stable coins with USDC dominantly on top with more than 62k.
    • USDC also was the most consistent coin; Meaning it had transactions almost everyday.
    • In terms of withdrawing swapped assets, Dai performed better that USDT and there are two non-stable coins among top 5 which are Matic and ETH.
    • This means people used their stable coins to buy Matic and ETH and decided to withdraw what was bough in between.

    One of the best aspects of Mean finance is that it is designed to reduce the transaction fees. This has been done both in terms of high order decisions of putting Ethereum aside and build on L2s, and also on contract level where users only pays for one transaction and the rest is not on user. For example, these are the 5 deposit transactions with most amount. If these users wanted to put this money on DCA on Ethereum network, they had to pay more fees than their profit! DCA relies on many buy and sell transactions and is not a good choice on ethereum.
