Optimism Bridge Basic Stats
How many distinct wallets have deposited or withdrawn ETH to Optimism via the native bridge in the last 60 days?
Another day and another new database in FlipsideCrypto. And it's Optimism Turn! one of the most famous Layer2 scaling solutions of Ethereum which recently launched it's governance token too. Optimism uses optimistic roll-up as the technology for recording transactions and has much lower fees comparing to Ethereum L1. If you are willing to know more about optimism, you can check this link.
Data & Analysis
What are looking for today? We are starting our first look to optimism by a basic approach. We want to know how many unique addresses send ETH from L1 to Optimism and back, how much was the amount (both on a daily basis) and how much ETH top 10 Addresses sent over the past 2 month.
Now let's start by Number of distinct addresses bridging ETH to Optimism and vice versa.
Some insights:
- Starting from May 27th we see a slight but considerable increase in the amount of ETH to Optimism; I believe the reason was this tweet and the heating conversation of maybe OP is dropping every moment. Users started to bridge more ETH for claiming and trading purposes.
- But the real deal started on May 31st and Jun 1st ([official launch announcement])(https://twitter.com/optimismPBC/status/1531753646752268289?s=20&t=MFZwRswkjU43gDzCPMgLRA). Some of these might be for providing liquidity or other purposes.
- bridging back has a much lower stats. Why? well, it takes 7 days to bridge back from optimism native bridge, while there are some valid instant bridges on the market. Also fees for using native bridge is more than other bridges.
The Amount Of ETH bridged to optimism roughly follows the same pattern, with some exceptions that might be whale effects. More than 14k ETH was bridged from L1 to optimism on Jun 1st, while the most amount for bridging back is Jun 8th (considering 7 days delay of native bridge) with More than 6 thousand ETH
In the end looking into top users who bridged ETH to Optimism, we can see that #1 deposited almost 9000 ETH responsible for 32% of Top10 Deposits