Reward Distribution In Thorchain

    In this Bounty i am going to investigate Different emissions that are being paid to LPs and Nodes in Thorchain.


    In the beginning, we should know that there are two types of reward in thorchain: Block Rewards & Liquidity Fees. these rewards are both for Nodes and liquidity providers and paid according to different metrics like share of the pool, overall condition of network and emission curve. First we take a look at these two. here are some notes to take away:

    • on the July 15th, swap fees demonstrate a very high amount which we can't confirm it is accurate or not. that maybe due to a whale entrance or just a simple mistake in Data (secially if we notice that there are so many days with 0 Liq fee after that)
    • On Jan 8th, Block Rewards doubled as the emission curve got in half.
    • Beside from some high trading dates, block rewards are way more that fee rewards.

    Now, putting block rewards aside, we can see how much fee was generated through swaps. chart below is scaled in Log since previously mentioned date somehow disfigured the overall understanding. There is no clear pattern but a slight rise in overall fees.

    Now let's see how much fee is generated by each pool. the point is that in thorchain you pay two fees, one in RUNE and one in native asset that you are trading. so i made two chart to show both. as we expected, ETH pools are dominant in fees and BUSD and UST are other worth opponents. this is almost true about fees in rune, although we can see BTC there too.