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    In this dashboard, we examine the sales of 5 popular collections on Flow, and I list their contract names in the Flow database below.

    To calculate the sales status of the collections, I used the flow.core.ez_nft_sales table and for prices in USD, I used the flow.core.fact_hourly_prices table on the Flipside website.

    'A.e4cf4bdc1751c65d.AllDay' ==> 'AllDay' 'A.87ca73a41bb50ad5.Golazos' ==> 'Golazos' 'A.0b2a3299cc857e29.TopShot' ==> 'TopShot' 'A.329feb3ab062d289.UFC_NFT' ==> 'UFC' 'A.4eded0de73020ca5.CricketMoments' ==> 'Cricket'
