[ShroomDK] - ShroomDK Mint


    The following methods are used in this dashboard:

    • The ethereum.core.fact_transactions table was used for most of the analysis. (Except for one analysis that used the ethereum.core.fact_event_logs table.)

    • TO_ADDRESS and TX_JSON columns were used to filter ShroomDK NFT mint transactions as follows:

      1. To_address = '0xdfb57b6e16ddb97aeb8847386989f4dca7202146'
      2. TX_JSON:logs[0]:decoded:inputs:from = '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    • Using these filtered transactions, the total number of minted NFTs, the total number of minters and the total amount of fees paid were obtained.

    • Then a daily check on the above three parameters was also done.

    • In the following, to determine failed mint transactions, transactions whose STATUS column was equal to FAIL were included as failed mints.

    • Minters who had failed mints were then checked to see if they ended up minting at least one of these NFTs.

    • Finally, the mint status of each minter was evaluated and the users were divided into two groups:

      1. Those who only minted one NFT.

      2. Those who had minted more than one NFT.


    What is Shroom DK?

    ShroomDK is Flipside Crypto’s SDK, with a naming nod to everyone’s favorite fungi (more on that in a minute.) It’s that simple.

    But it’s also so much more.

    ShroomDK is your API key to the most comprehensive blockchain data in crypto (wrapped in an NFT). Mint it, and you get access to the most comprehensive blockchain data in crypto — including data on Ethereum, Solana, Optimism, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Polygon, Flow, and many, many more. (Reference: Medium: ShroomDK is here by Brendan Murray)



    Below, you can see the results obtained from this analysis:

    • Since the first ShroomDK NFT was minted on Jun-29-2022 12:36:20 PM +UTC, 373 NFTs have been minted by 243 unique minters at the time of this analysis.
    • In these 373 transactions to mint these NFTs, a total of 2.6 ETH has been paid as mint transaction fees. (Although Mint was free)
    • On average each unique user minted 1.53 ShroomDK NFT and paid 0.01073 ETH as transaction fee.
    • The table above summarizes the main elements of Mint transactions, sorted from the first NFT to the last.

    In the table above, the following three parameters are checked daily:

    1. Number of mints per day
    2. Number of unique minters per day
    3. Average Mints per Minter
    • In the two graphs above, the status of the three parameters mentioned above can be seen on a daily basis:
    • Considering the average of 1.53 minted NFTs per minter, it was quite expected that the state of the graphs for the parameters of the number of mints and the number of minters would be like this.
    • A 65% reduction in the number of mints on the second day, which makes sense given the decrease in hype on the first day, which is also the case for many projects. But the remarkable thing is the 100% growth of the number of mints on the third day (compared to the second day). It seems that a large number of users have minted it on the third day after the investigations and understanding what exactly this NFT is used for. We cannot talk about the fourth day, which is today, and we have to wait until the day is over and then comment on it. But it seems that even at this moment with 79 mints, probably the fourth day can surpass the 100 mints of the third day. But in general, one cannot expect a sustained upward trend in the number of mints for many days. It seems that these practical NFTs will find their buyers in the very first days and the number of their daily mints will start to decline very soon.
    • On average, the number of mints per minter is in an almost constant range. Between 1.35 and 1.5
    • In trying to mint these 373 NFTs, a total of 8 mint transactions have failed. Which is about 2.1% of all minting attempts. Of course, at the beginning of this analysis, when 310 NFTs were minted, there were only 4 failed mint transactions, but in the next 63 attempts, these 4 new failed transactions were also added to record a total of 8 failed mint transactions.

    • In the table below, the status of these 8 failed transactions can be seen briefly.

    The table above shows the minters that had failed mints, to check if these minters were finally able to mint at least one NFT.

    • Among these 8 failed transactions made by 7 unique minters, 6 users minted at least one NFT. Three of these 6 have minted two NFTs each and the other three have minted one NFT each.
    • There was only one user with the following wallet address who had only one attempt to mint and that too was unsuccessful: 0x967c870143ae73db00f3fbc95fe3406ac105df32
    • Of the 373 NFTs minted, only three have been transferred so far (0.08%) . Considering that this NFT is free mint, it is reasonable not to expect much transfer.
    • The above table shows the status of users. In this table, the total number of mints of each minter and the sum of their paid transactions are obtained, and each minter is placed in one of two groups based on how many NFTs they have minted:
    1. The group of users who minted only one NFT.
    2. The group of users who have minted more than one NFT.
    • The two pie charts above show that about 70% of all NFTs were minted by those who minted more than one NFT.
    • Regarding the fees paid, it is interesting that although about 70% of NFTs were minted by the group that minted more than one NFT, but of the total transaction fees paid for all these 373 mints, 66.6% of that share was from the main group of minters. .
    • Among these 243 unique minters and 3 transfers, there is only one user who both minted an NFT and in one of these transfers, one of the NFTs was transferred to his wallet. You can see the wallet address of this user in the opposite table ===>