Cryptopunk Sales and Traders
In this Analysis, You will Read About CryptoPunks Collection. I went through CryptoPunks and analyzed these parameters:
CryptoPunks Overview
Weekly Number of Sales
Weekly Sales Volume in ETH and USD
Top Buyers - Top Sellers
Top NFTs
Top Profitable Traders - Top Unprofitable Traders
Top Profitable NFTs
What are CryptoPunks?
CryptoPunks is a non-fungible token (NFT) collection on the Ethereum blockchain. The project was launched in June 2017 by the Larva Labs studio, a two-person team consisting of Canadian software developers Matt Hall and John Watkinson.
Analyzed by Hess - Reading Time Almost 10 Min.
I’ve used NFT sales and NFT transfer tables to analyze CryptoPunks. CryptoPunks contact address is 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2. I Put this contract address in the NFT address column. In order to get the correct USD price, I tried the Swap table to extract the correct ETH price. I only could extract ETH price since 2020. Before that, it was not possible to estimate Punk’s prices. Also, there isn’t a correct table for NFTs balances. So I used the transfer table to calculate the current balance of users. If you want to see Other dates analyze, you need to log in to the flipside and change the date parameter. The format is YYYY/MM/DD. The current dashboard data is from 2020-05-01.
CryptoPunks Overview
- Before seeing the CryptoPunks analysis, Let’s review some basic numbers. Since 2020-05-01, Nearly 14.5K sales of Cryptopunks were recorded with 5K Unique Buyers and 3.6K unique sellers. The total. Volume in ETH is around 0.75M. By the current price of ETH, The total volume in USD is more than 1B dollars but it’s not true. Because ETH prices were around 4.5K US dollars sometimes.

Average Price of NFTs and Volume in USD
- The highest average price of Cryptopunks NFTs was in August and September of 2021.
- In the September of 2021, The average price of Cryptopunks reached to 100 ETH.
- The highest sales volume happened during that time. Almost 400M US dollars occurred in one week.
Buyers and Sellers
- The highest number of Users were buying and selling CryptoPunks NFTs from February 2021 and August 2021.
- After that time, The total buyers and total sellers decreased to under 50 average daily
- The Cumulative buyers and sellers show how the total number of users increased in 2021.
- But the interesting thing is the number of buyers still are higher than sellers.

Number of Sales and Volume Breakdown ( Buy and Sell )
- Buy:
:1st_place_medal: A large group of users has 1-2 Punks and a Large group of users spent more than 75 ETH.
:2nd_place_medal: The second large group of users has bought 3-5 Punks and 51-75 ETH in Volume.
:3rd_place_medal: The third large group of users has bought 6-10 Punks and spent 11-25 ETH.
Profitable and Unprofitable Traders and NFTs
- The highest profit made by a user with 9M Dollars profit since 2020. However, I think this is not true. Based on Etherscan this user had only 1 sale. The number of Sales was around 3M dollars. But based on Flipside tables, This sale was recorded at around 9M dollars. The Fanous user has bought 55M dollars NFT and has sold around 62M dollars. This user made 6M dollars.
Top Profitable and Unprofitable NFTs
We have already seen the Top Profitable and unprofitable users. Let’s see which Cryptopunks NFTs made more Profit for their users.
NFT Number #4156 is the one whose amount is USD is not correct in Flipside Table in comparison to the Etherscan. However, this NFT is one the most profitable ones.
NFT number #273 caused a huge loss for its users. Almost 836K US dollars.


Daily Sales Volume in ETH and Average price of NFTS since 2020
According to this TX ( ), The highest sales volume of CryptoPunks were 120K ETH But this is unusual activities. But According to the CryptoPunks App, The highest sales volume was 8K ETH.
The interesting thing in the Cumulative chart is when the total number of sales increased, The average price of CryptoPunks and Sales volume increased a little later. It means some users have sold their NFTs a lot lower than before the real Hype.
We can’t say always better buying and better selling made a successful trader. Sometimes accumulating more and more cause a huge profit. According to the Flipside tables, A user has nearly 491 CryptoPunks. However, According to the CryptoPunks App, this user holds more than 500 NFTs.
- The interesting thing about CryptoPunks is that 20% of total NFTs are held by 10 wallets.
The most interesting Findings are:
- The highest sales volume in ETH was 8000 ETH.
- The highest average price of NFTs was in September.
- The Top user spent around 43K ETH in buying and Has gained 28K ETH in selling. ( Not selling all Punks )
- Top traders made more than a million from Buying and selling Punks.
- NFT number 4156 and NFT number 273 are top profitable and unprofitable NFTs.
- A user holds nearly 500 CryptoPunks.
- 20% of total Cryptopunks are held by 10 wallets.
Twitter: @hessaminanloo
Discord_id: hess#0890