
    • In this Analysis, You will Read about NFL AllDay Collection on Flow. Especially during the Thanksgiving games.

    • The NFL's annual Thanksgiving games recently drove record viewership in the U.S., with 42 million people tuning in to see the Giants take on the Cowboys. We want to know Did the FLOW NFT project NFL ALL DAY see similar boosts in popularity? I went through this collection and analyzed these parameters:

    • Sales

    • Buyers/Sellers

    • Total/Average/median/Max volume

    • New and Active users

    • Growth and Tops

    • compares activity over the past year

      Analyzed by Hess - Reading Time Almost 10 Min.


    Full Analysis


    Sales Overview ( Last Week )

    Transactions, Buyers, and Sellers

    I should mention again that the thanksgiving games were on November 24 and after that. I labeled November 24 and after that as thanksgiving games. Let’s examine the total sales, buyer’s and sellers’ activity.

    • On November 24, The total daily sales increased a little. A day before Thanksgiving games, the total daily sales were 8.2K, but on November 25 increased to 9.1K. About 800 sales more in comparison to normal days. After thanksgiving games, the total daily sales decreased to 5.4K. Almost dropped by 40%.
    • The average number of sales before thanksgiving was 11K, but after that was 7.1K. Because of sales on November 18 and 19, The average sales before thanksgiving were much higher than the days after thanksgiving games.
    • Based on the daily share of buyers and sellers, The share of buyers increased by 3% on November 25, and the daily share of sellers decreased by 3%. The share of buyers increased significantly on November 18. Almost a week before thanksgiving games. Maybe users have bought NFT at lower prices to sell at higher prices during the thanksgiving games. We will understand this in the average volume chart.

    New and Active Users

    New users mean new buyers. Because a seller already has NFL NFTs and buyers are new to the project.

    During and after thanksgiving games, the AllDay NFT collection attracted 481 New users. The highest number of new users was 5 days after thanksgiving games. Overall, the growth of new users was 0.08% last week. It wasn’t too much, but on the other side, it wasn’t that bad.

    Top Buyers and Sellers ( Volume )


    • Four unique buyers were on the top list of users before and after thanksgiving games. The interesting part is that they spent more dollars after thanksgiving.
    • Overall, It seems top buyers spent more dollars after thanksgiving games compared to top buyers before thanksgiving.


    • Based on the Top seller, I can understand why the total sales volume increased significantly on November 18. It seems this user sold most of the NFTs.
    • Unlike buyers, Sellers sold more NFTs before thanksgiving games than sellers after thanksgiving games.

    AllDay Collection Overview ( Over the last year)


    What is Flow?

    • Flow is a blockchain platform that originally was designed for gaming purposes, but has expanded since its launch in 2020. The flow blockchain enables fast, low-cost transactions and supports smart contracts. It powers blockchain applications including NBA Top Shot, a non-fungible token (NFT) offering.

    What is NFT?

    • A non-fungible token is a unique digital identifier that cannot be copied, substituted, or subdivided, that is recorded in a blockchain, and that is used to certify authenticity and ownership

    What is NFL AllDay?

    • Towards the end of the 2021 season, Dapper Labs revealed its long-awaited NFL All Day platform to the masses. It’s the sequel to its wildly successful and popular NBA Top Shot product, one of Boardroom’s best NFTs of 2021, with all transactions processed and guaranteed through Dapper’s Flow blockchain. 

      Since NBA Top Shot dropped its first collection in December 2020, it has provided a whole new path for fans to engage with the game and their favorite players. In that short time, more than $1 billion in Top Shot transactions have been processed, including a LeBron James Moment selling for $230,023 in August.

      (All told, tens of thousands of transactions are made each day of any and all sizes on the NBA Top Shot and NFL All Day marketplaces — a six-figure largesse is not required.)


    • In order to extract all sales related to the AllDay collection, I joined the NFT sales table with AllDay metadata with the NFT_ID column. Now, I have all sales related to the AllDay collection. The key parameters all are available on the NFT sales table. All I needed was to draw some charts to show the latest sales.

    • NFL Thanksgiving games were on November 24 and after that. I label all dates after November 24 as Thanksgiving games and before November 24 as before thanksgiving.

    • Also, I compared the current sales with Allday sales in the last 365 days.

      How I calculated last week's growth?

    • I calculated the cumulative parameters like sales, Buyers, Sellers, and volume. Then, I used the lag function. LAG() is a window function that provides access to a row at a specified offset value that comes before the current row. Now I have cumulative and lag numbers. So, I used the below formula to calculate daily growth. In the end, I fileted for the last day.

      lag(cum_sales,7) over (order by date asc) as sales_7, ((cum_sales-sales_7)/sales_7)*100 as sales_growth


    • Some sales were based on Flow tokens, and others with stablecoins. I extracted the Flow price from the hourly price table and joined it with my findings. If the currency was flow, I calculated the volume in USD; if it was based on stablecoins, I used the amount as the volume in USD.

    Time Frame Method only works for Annually charts.

    Last Week's Growth ( Percentage )

    • Let’s examine the growth of four key parameters. Based on these numbers and growth, I can not say that while The NFL's annual Thanksgiving games recently drove record viewership in the U.S., with 42 million people, the NFL AllDay collection had similar boosts in popularity.

    • The highest growth related to their sales which increased by 0.6%. The lowest growth was related to volume, which increased by 0.16%.

    Sales Volume in USD

    There were sales based on Flow and Stablecoins. I calculated all sales as US dollars.

    • According to the below chart, The total sales volume increased by only 5K US dollars on November 25. But after November 25, The total daily sales increased to 252K on November 30. It means the total sales volume increased by 100K US dollars compared to normal days before thanksgiving games. However, The highest sales volume happened on November 18, with 1.1M US dollars.
    • Due to the highest sales volume on November 18, The average sales volume before thanksgiving games was 300K US dollars, and it was 139K after thanksgiving games.
    • Based on the sales volume chart, I can not say that NFL thanksgiving games impacted on NFL Allday collection. Because the daily sales volume didn’t change too much and In my opinion, All changes were normal, and nothing happened.

    I mentioned before that the total number of sales, Buyers, and volume increased on November 18. Almost a week before thanksgiving games. I wonder if users had bought NFTs before thanksgiving with lower prices and sold them during the thanksgiving games or not. So, I looked into the average/median/max and min NFT price since November 17.

    • The average price or sales volume was 54 US dollars, while it was 15$ on November 25. Also, The median price was 59$, but it was 19$ on November 25. However, The max price on November 18 was 5K US dollars, but after thanksgiving games, The highest price of sold NFT was 39K US dollars. Based on these numbers, If some users planned to buy NFTs with a lower price and sell at a higher price, They weren’t successful. It seems only some of them were successful.

    Who is an Active User?

    • I counted the total number of transactions per user and filtered those users that had more than 100 transactions. I called them Active users.

    Who is a Normal User?

    • For any user with lower than 100 transactions, I called them normal users.

    Knowing which type of users had more activities during the Thanksgiving games was interesting. Based on my findings and criteria, 58% of users were active users. 36% of users were normal users, and others (5.82%) were new users.

    • You can see how the total daily number of active users increased After thanksgiving games.

    Top sold Players

    • The highest number of sales and sales volume of Players was before the thanksgiving games. Only Chandler Jones had more volume and number of sales after thanksgiving. The total sales volume of this player was 150K Before thanksgiving, and it was 182K after thanksgiving. Also, The total number of sales was 15K before and 18K after thanksgiving.

    Top Teams

    Like top players, The highest number of sales and sales volume of Top teams before thanksgiving was higher than after thanksgiving. However, in total, The top team was Arizona Cardinals, with 19.6K after thanksgiving.

    Based on volume, Indianapolis and Houston were the top teams, and their sales volume was before thanksgiving.

    Top Crossovers

    I examined top Crossovers based on the number of transactions before and after thanksgiving games.

    • Golazos, TuneGoNFT, and Chainmonsters are three collections that users bought after thanksgiving games.
    • PackNFT was the top collection that users didn’t buy after thanksgiving and only was at the top list before Thanksgiving.
    • Other top collections had the same share before and after Thanksgiving.

    Transactions, Buyers, and Sellers ( Last year )

    To understand the sales difference, I added pre-Season 2022 to my chart. You can consider Between Preseason and Thanksgiving games as season 2022.

    • Over the last year, The highest number of sales was between February and March 2022. After that decreased, and before Preseason 2022, it increased again. If we compare the preseason sales with Thanksgiving games, I can say that there was better hype during the Preseason.
    • The average number of sales during the pre-season was 39K, while the average sales on Thanksgiving were 17K. About 50% lower.
    • Also, If We ignore the number of buyers and sellers between February and March 2022, The highest number of sellers was during the pre-season. However, The total number of buyers during the thanksgiving games increased.

    Total weekly sales volume based on transaction events decreased over time. During the preseason increased but on Thanksgiving didn’t change too much.

    The interesting finding is that during the Thanksgiving games, The max sales volume increased up to 39K US dollars, while we have seen these volumes only during the pre-season 2022 and sales between January and March.

    • The average price decreased over time, but after thanksgiving increased a little.
    • The average sales volume on Thanksgiving was 278K US dollars, 1.7M during the Pre-season and 1.65M US dollars on other days.

    What does Flipping mean?

    • Flipping is a recently coined term that refers to buying and selling an asset quickly for a profit. It's not limited to non-fungible tokens only. You can flip any valuable asset, including trading cards, cars, real estate, or antiques. When it comes to NFTs, to flip just means to buy low and sell high.
    • The total daily number of Flippers decreased over time. During the Thanksgiving games, The total daily number of Flippers increased from 3K to 3.5K but quickly after that decreased. If We compare the Thanksgiving event with Pre-season, We can see more Flippers were during Pre-season.
    • The average 7/30 and 60-day moving volume decreased like any other parameter.


    • So Far, I have examined the Thanksgiving game’s impact on NFL All Day. My short answer is NFL Thanksgiving games didn’t impact on AllDay sales. Some parameters increased by it wasn’t too much.
    • To better understand event impacts, I added Pre-season, and you saw how the event impacts the AllDay collection. However, I should mention that we are in the middle of a Bear market, and the activity of so many users has decreased.



    :bird: Twitter: @hessaminanloo

    :t-rex: Discord: hess#0890

    :calendar: Analyze Date: 2022/DEC/05