Polygon Block Performance

    What Will You Read?

    • In this analysis, You will read about blocks on chains. We want to know What was the maximum and minimum recorded time between two blocks on Polygon, Ethereum, Solana, Flow, Optimism, Arbitrum, BSC, and Avalanche.
    • Also, The average number of transactions per block on mentioned blockchains.

    What is Block?

    Blocks are data structures within the blockchain database, where transaction data in a cryptocurrency blockchain are permanently recorded. A block records some or all of the most recent transactions not yet validated by the network. Once the data are validated, the block is closed.

    Analyzed By Hess - Reading Time almost 5 Min.


    • The method was simple. There is a Block table in each blockchain. I used block tables, and by combining the lead and datediff functions, I extracted differ dates. Then with max, min, and avg functions, I calculated all mentioned questions. I did the same method for all chains. All data in this chart is from the beginning of the actual data for each blockchain.


    Polygon Blocks Overview

    • Average Transactions in Blocks is 74
    • The maximum recorded time between two blocks is 25 seconds on Polygon.
    • The minimum recorded time between two blocks is 2 seconds on Polygon.
    • The average recorded time between two blocks is 2.25 seconds on Polygon.

    Polygon Block Performance

    Compare Blockchains

    1. Average Time ( Unit: Second)

    • The highest average time recorded in the Binance chain is 275 seconds.
    • The lowest average time recorded in the Solana chain is 1.17 seconds.
    • Optimism and Ethereum are similar to each other.
    • Almost Arbitrum has an average of 4x higher than Optimism. They are both Layer 2.

    2.The maximum and minimum recorded time between two blocks

    • with 1.2M seconds, Ethereum has the highest Maximum recorded time and Polygon with 25 seconds has the lowest maximum recorded time between Two blocks.
    • Optimim has a huge difference with Arbitrum.
    • With 15 seconds, Optimims has the highest maximum recorded time. Arbitrum, Avalance, Ethereum, Flow and Solana are 1 second.


    3. Average Transaction in Blocks

    • Millions of transactions happen in Solana every day. Solana has the highest average transaction in blocks. It is almost 1.750 transactions.

    • It seems Optimism executes each transaction in one block.

    • Also, the other layer 2 blockchain, Arbitrum, has almost the same method as Optimism.



    All Time in this analysis are based in SECOND.

    Highest average: BSC

    Lowest Average: Solana

    Highest Max: Ethereum

    Lowest Max: Polygon

    Highest Min: Optimism

    Lowest Min: Arbitrum, Avalance, Ethereum, Flow, and Solana

    Highest avg tx: Solana

    Lowest avg tx: Optimism


    Thank Your For Reading!


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    ENS: he3am.eth