Trending NFT Projects

    What Will You Read?

    In This analysis, You will read about trending NFT projects on FLOW. I created a visualization showing NFT sales volume on Flow since May 9th. Which NFT projects are trending on Flow right now, and what is the general trend of NFT sales over the last month? Do the projects that are trending seem to have common wallets, or is there not much crossover between buyers/sellers?

    What is NFT?

    A non-fungible token is financial security consisting of digital data stored in a blockchain, a form of a distributed ledger. The ownership of an NFT is recorded in the blockchain and can be transferred by the owner, allowing NFTs to be sold and traded.


    From flow.core.fact_nft_sales table and joining to the dim table, I have found total sales, total buyers, total sellers, and Volume per NFT collections.


    There are Only 64 NFT Collections in the Flow bloclchain.

    Also, From May 9th, 2022, Nearly 1M sales were recorded on the Flow blockchain.

    These charts show top NFT collections based on the total number of sales and total sales volume in USD. As you can see, Topshot, with a share of 76% of the total number of sales and with a share of 64% of total sales volume is the most purchased NFT on FLow. The second one is AllDay with 10% of sales and 16% sales volume.

    The below chart shows the total daily sales of Top collections on FLOW. As you can see, Topshot is the most purchased NFT collection at all. The total number of sales decreased but still is in the first place. We can see AllDay and UFC in second and third place. On May 26th, PackNFT recorded the highest number of sales in comparison to TopShop or AllDay. Also, there were some other NFT collections like Genies and RCRDSHPNFT, which were a trend in one day.

    The Total daily sales volume trends are like the previous chart. Again TopShot Collections has the highest sales volume in comparison to other collections. But You can see that PACKNFT recorded the highest sales volume on Flow with 1.4M dollars in one day.

    Let's Look at Unique buyers and sellers. Unique buyers were fewer than Unique sellers. TopShot Collection has the highest number of unique Buyers and Sellers.

    TopShot Market and NFT Store Front are two popular marketPlace on Flow. The below cumulative chart shows how Top Shot Market Volume increased in comparison to Store Front.

    The below chart shows the crossover and non-crossover between Buyer/Seller based on Top 10 Collections on Flow. For example, Topshot NFT collections have 572K non-crossover wallets and 141K crossover wallets.


    The TopShot NFT collection is the most popular collection of FLow blockchain. All metrics like total sales, Total unique Buyer and seller, and even Volume are in the first place. Also, this Collection has about 500K non-crossover wallets and 141K crossover wallets.

    Thank You For Reading!

    Written by Hess


    discord_id: hess#0890


    twitter_id: @hessaminanloo