Unique Solana Programs

    What Will You Read?

    \n One way to track developer growth in an ecosystem is through the number of unique contracts used. I created a visualization of the number of unique programs used per day since the beginning of January. Do you think what type of programs is the most popular, and what programs seem to be gaining in popularity over that timeframe? Does it appear that development is still ongoing in the bear market?

    What is Solana?

    Solana is a public blockchain platform with smart contract functionality. Its native cryptocurrency is SOL. Wikipedia

    ** \n Analyzed By Hess - Reading Time Almost 5Min**


    I used the Solana Fact events table and Counted the unique program id is for each day. Then Joined to the label table to find each program id that belongs to which program.


    Program Id per Month

    • The Most Used program Id happened in the last month with nearly 31K in total.
    • The second month was March with 20% of total use which was nearly 31K.
    • The third month was April with 18%.

    Total and Cumulative use of unique Program ID

    • The total number of use each program id increased from January.
    • The Cumulative number is 153K.

    Top Programs

    • Raydium with 56% of total use which was 91M is in the first place.
    • Jupiter with 22M use which is 13.7% of the total is in second place.
    • Orca with 18M use which is 11.3% of the total is in third place.

    Total Daily Number of use Programs

    • Is seems Magic Eden lose its place since February.
    • Orca and Jupiter took a place in top recently programs.
    • Raydium Keeps its place since January.


    • The trends show day by day total use of Program id increased since January.
    • we can see changes in top programs.
    • Magic eden lose its place, Orca and Jupiter increased and Raydium keeps its place.

    Thank You For Reading!

    Analyzed Completely by Hess

    Twitter_id: hessaminanloo

    discord_id: hess#0890

    ENS: he3am.eth