User Behavior

    What Will You Read?

    In This analysis, You will read about user behavior on Flow. We want to know What are users swapping for? What activities are the most common for users on Flow right now?


    Flow has a swap table. I used that table to find what are users swapping for. Flow name is complicated. So I joined with flow.core.dim_contract_labels table to extract token names.

    In this bounty, I needed events too. So I used flow.core.fact_events table to see which contract is trending.


    The below chart shows the total daily number of swaps to a token based on top tokens. The most popular token that users swap for a token daily is Tether. I can see Flow and Fusd are in the second and third place.

    Tether with 49% of swaps is the most on-demand token in Flow. The second one is the Flow token with 28% of swaps. The third one is FUSD with 20% of total swaps. There were 2 stabecoins on the top 3.

    Let's see which contracts are trending on Flow. Flowtoken contract is used with 54M. The second one is FlowFees contract with 29M

    The below chart shows the share of contracts. FlowToken with 53% of total transactions is in the first place. I can see too many NFT's names on the below chart. TopShot, LNVCT, Allday and ... .

    Let's take a look at the daily top contracts type on Flow. The most popular events are TokenWithdraw and Deposits.

    The daily chart proves that NFTs are trending on FLow. If we ignore the Flowtoken contract, TopShot, PackNFT, NFTStorefrong, and AllDay are trending.


    In my opinion, NFTs are trending on Flow. On the daily chart, you can see that NFTs are trending. Allday, TopShot, PackNFT,NFTStorfront and ... .

    Thank You For Reading!

    Written by Hess


    discord_id: Hess#0890


    twitter_id: hessamiannloo