Volume Scoring with NBA Top Shot

    What Will You Read?

    In this Analysis, You will Read about Top Shot Market. NBA Top Shot allows users to buy, sell, and collect NBA NFTs that showcase influential “Moments” minted on the FLOW blockchain. Create a visualization tracking the total sales volume traded on NBA Top Shot since May 9th by day. How many unique wallets have made a trade on Top Shot over that timeframe? How do those metrics compare to sales volume and unique users of Magic Eden on Solana and OpenSea on Ethereum?

    What is NBA Top Shot?

    NBA Top Shot is an NFT marketplace where sports fans can buy, sell and trade basketball video clips. Launched in 2020, NBA Top Shot is a partnership between the NBA and Dapper Labs, the creators of CryptoKitties


    In order to compare these marketplaces i followed this method:

    • NBA Top Shot -> flow.core.fact_nft_sales table and filter marketplace to A.c1e4f4f4c4257510.TopShotMarketV3

    • Opensea -> lipside_prod_db.ethereum_core.ez_nft_sales table and filter market place to Opensea and event to sale

    • Magic Eden -> flipside_prod_db.solana.fact_nft_sales table and filter market place to magic eden V1 and V2


    NBA Top Shot

    The below chart shows the total number of sales on the Top shot. If we ignore May 9th with 42K sales, The average daily is about 20-23K sales from May 9th until the current date.

    Let's take a look at unique buyers and sellers on Top shot. The below chart shows daily unique buyers and sellers. it seems every day the total number of unique sellers is higher than the total number of buyers. The highest number of sellers and buyers happened on May 9th with 11.8K users and 10.16 Buyers.


    The below chart shows the daily total number of unique buyers on Top shot, Magic Eden, and Opensea. It is obvious that opensea has the most share of users. The second place is for Magic Eden and the third one is for Top shot. From May 12th, All three platforms faced an increase in unique users until May 17th. The highest number of unique users occurred on May 17th. Opensea with 28K users is in the first place. Magic Eden 24K and Top Shot 5k users.

    The below chart shows the total number of sales on each platform. In this comparison, Magic Eden is in the first place. The interesting thing about this chart is that the total number of Top Shot sales is near Opensea and Magic Eden.

    Almost all volume goes to Opensea. The Total amount of Sales on the Top shot is about 1.2M dollars. It is true that Opensea is 30-60X bigger than Top Shot or any other platforms but the numbers for Top shot are good.

    About 80% of the total sales volume went through Opensea. 16% for Magic Eden and 2.4% for TopShot.


    From this analysis, I can conclude that the growth of Top shot was good enough but I should mention that Top shot is running on a smaller blockchain, and almost it's new to the market. The total number of sales was amazing on Top shot and volume day by day will increase.

    Thank You For Reading

    Written by hess


    discord_id: hess#0890


    twitter_id: @hessaminanloo