What makes a Top Shots moment valuable? (Part I)
What Will You Read?
In This Analysis, You Will Read about NBA Top shots Play Type. We want to examine the play_type column in the flow.core.dim_topshot_metadata table. What play_types do users hold most, and how much volume in sales do these?
Also, I’ll check the number of buyers and sellers per type over time and in total.
What are NBA Top shots?
NBA Top Shot is a blockchain-based platform that allows sports fans to buy, sell, and trade unique versions of officially licensed video highlights. The project originated in 2019, spent most of 2020 in development, and rose to popularity with upwards of a million registered users in 2021.
Analyzed By Hess - Reading Time Almost 10 Min.
- Sales Activities
- First, I extracted buyers, sellers, and sales amounts from the NFT sales table.
- Second I joined the new metastable and matched with NFT ids. Then calculated all requested questions.
- Top Holders based on Play types
We don’t have exactly an NFT Holder or Balance table in Flow tables. So I needed a method to get the nearest result from all existing tables. I chose the Fact event table.
First, I extracted events. 1. Deposit and 2. Withdraw. These two names mean buy and sell in Flow tables. by Joining the meta table, I counted all buyers and sellers. The remaining number of users belongs to each NFT. So we have the nearest result of Holders.
Total Buyers and Sellers per Play Type
Rim has 53K Buyers and 29.5K sellers since April 20th.
Assist has 38K Buyers and 19K sellers.
3-pointer has 35K buyers and 18K sellers.
These are the top 3 popular roles in NBA top shots.
Almost All Roles have a similar range between buyers and sellers. There isn’t any role in the number of buyers and sellers have higher or lower difference.
Top 3 Play types Volume:
:1st_place_medal: The Top Volume goes to RIM play type. The total sales volume of RIM is about 10M dollars. :open_mouth:
:2nd_place_medal: Three Pointer with 5.8M dollars is in the second highest sales volume play type.
:3rd_place_medal: Assist role is in third place. The total sales volume of the Assist role is 4.3M dollars.
Cumulative Sales Volume
:top: every day, Rim's role increases its difference with the second highest sales volume.
:star2: 3-pointers following the RIm, but it has 1.3M dollars distance.
:last_quarter_moon_with_face::first_quarter_moon_with_face: Assist and block cumulative volume are similar to each other.
Top Holders Based on Roles
:1st_place_medal: Rim, with nearly 24K holders, has 20% of the total holders.
:2nd_place_medal: The second one is Assist with 18.4K holders, 16.4% of total holders.
:3rd_place_medal: 3-Pointer with 16.6K holders, 14.5% of total holders, is in the third popular Roles leaderboard.
- Twitter: hessaminanloo
- Discord: hess#0890
- ENS: he3am.eth