iboo-jbj2MVNet Staked $FLOW Volume (Stake - Unstake)
    Updated 2022-11-19
    with staketable as ( select sum (amount) as Staked_Volume
    from flow.core.ez_staking_actions
    where tx_succeeded = 'TRUE'
    and action in ('DelegatorTokensCommitted','TokensCommitted')), unstaketable as (
    select sum (amount) as UnStaked_Volume
    from flow.core.ez_staking_actions
    where tx_succeeded = 'TRUE'
    and action in ('DelegatorUnstakedTokensWithdrawn','UnstakedTokensWithdrawn'))
    select Staked_Volume - UnStaked_Volume as "Net Staked Volume", 1036200000 as "FLOW Circulating Supply",
    ("Net Staked Volume" / 1036200000) * 100 as "Staked To Circulating Supply Ratio"
    from staketable t1 join unstaketable t2
    Run a query to Download Data