Aave and stAave Movements on Ethereum Mainnet


    AAVE is a decentralised non-custodial liquidity market protocol where users can participate as suppliers or borrowers. Suppliers provide liquidity to the market to earn a passive income, while borrowers are able to borrow in an overcollateralised (perpetually) or undercollateralised (one-block liquidity) fashion.

    AAVE is used as the centre of gravity of Aave Protocol governance. AAVE is used to vote and decide on the outcome of Aave Improvement Proposals (AIPs). Apart from this, AAVE can be staked within the protocol Safety Module to provide security/insurance to the protocol/suppliers. Stakers earn staking rewards and fees from the protocol.

    The purpose of the dashboard is to analyze the activity of Aave, a decentralized finance protocol, on the Ethereum blockchain. It aims to dive into the transactions associated with both deposits and withdrawals made on the platform. Additionally, the dashboard will focus on monitoring the staking and unstaking actions that occur within the Aave ecosystem.

    The dashboard will provide insights into the total,daily and monthly movements of deposits and withdrawals. This means that it will track the frequency and volume of funds being added to and taken out of the Aave platform on a daily and monthly basis.

    Furthermore, the dashboard will also monitor the total, daily and weekly occurrences of staking and unstaking activities within the Aave ecosystem. This entails keeping track of the regularity and scale of users' engagement in staking their assets and subsequently withdrawing them from the Aave contract.

    To conduct this analysis, we will utilize the Flipside table, which contains relevant data for our examination. Specifically, we will be working with the ethereum.core.ez_decoded_event_logs table, which provides valuable information about events that have occurred on the Ethereum blockchain. Additionally, we will incorporate the ez_transfer tables by performing joins to obtain the necessary details regarding staking and unstaking activities.

    After which we will utilize the AAVE.ez_deposits and transfers tables to retrieve comprehensive insights into the volume of funds deposited and transferred on the Aave platform. These tables will enable us to quantify the financial aspects of the Aave ecosystem, providing us with a deeper understanding of the magnitude of deposits and transfers taking place

