Aave Fee Metric Dashboard

    The first graph shows the deposit fees generate for each aave version. What you can see is that both V1 and V2 spike at different times and are all continuously being used. Aave AMM does have spikes, but they are all considerably smaller compared to the largest spikes of V1 and V2. The flashloan graph shows the premiums made for each of the different versions. They are both pretty equal in terms of the amount that is being made, however there is one spike for V1. The liquidation graph shows the amount of fees in USD that are being generated. You can see that V1 and V2 is considerably higher than that of AAVE AMM. The staking dashboard shows how much each is being made on each platform for staking their coins. It shows the returns in total that they are getting. It makes sense that AAVE AMM would have the most because it is the newest version so people would want to stake their coins in the newest possible area. The other four graphs are showing you the amount of fees that have happened per coin. This will show you the break down of how much of the fees each coin took up of the total amount. It is important to note that these are not over time because of technical issues. What you can pull from these graphs is which coins are truly being used and where the fees generated are originating from. There tend to be 2-3 coins through each of the following categories that are making by far the majority of fees.