Thorchain Swap Size Distribution

    This dashboard is going to show you information on the swap size and distribution of that on Thorchain itself. The first graph is going to show you the distribution of swaps in relation to the amount being swapped. This means that BNB, Thor, and ETH have the most amount of money being swapped. The next graph is going to show you the frequency of swaps. You can see that BNB, Thor, and ETH are still the top three blockchains that are being traded on, however, it is quite clear that BNB has more than any other blockchain, by far. It is important to note that the average swap on BNB is going to be far less than that of Thor or ETH because their frequency of swaps are significantly higher than any other blockchain on Thorchain. The final graph is going to show you swap amounts over time, by each of the different blockchains. What you can see is that BNB tends to be on the lower ends of swap amounts everyday, yet their frequency, which can be seen from the pie charts, are very high. You can also see that the Thorchain was doing very well and has since been dropping quite heavily.