58. [Easy] Bonded vs. Unbonded LUNA Amount

    In this dashboard, we aim to get a detailed visuals about the Bonded vs Unbonded LUNA Amount in the Terra ecosystem over the past 6 month period.

    Here in the above graphs I can see a little volatility between the bonded and unbonded LUNA in a particular period June 17th - 25th . It might happened because of the new governace proposal (bLUNA Maximum LTV is increased from 50% to 60%) was introduced during that period. During that time we can see the LUNA price is less and also the bonded LUNA was also little less comparitively.

    Bonded vs Unbonded LUNA

    From the below graphs we can have a look about

    • An Amount of LUNA Bonded vs Unbonded over the past 6 months period
    • The Percentage of LUNA Bonded vs Unbonded over the past 6 months period.

    Below graph shows the total amount of LUNA in Terra ecosystem over the past 6 months period.


    States of LUNA:

    Unbonded: Unbonded LUNA is the one which can be freely transacted as a regular token, with no restrictions. Bonded: Bonded Luna cannot be freely traded, and is locked in the ecosystem until it is fully unbonded. Bonded Luna can be considered as staked.

    Unbonding: In this phase Luna can not be traded freely. This unbonding phase takes 3 weeks to complete, and it returns unbonded state after that period.