Wildlife Warriors NFT Drop

    Q105. Wildlife Warriors was a project established by Steve Irwin in 2002 as a way to include and involve other caring people to support the protection of injured, threatened or endangered wildlife. They recently had an NFT drop(https://twitter.com/wildwarriors) on Algorand to support the project. Lets look at the wallets that own one of these NFTs: -Look at when the wallets were created(created_at) that own a wildlife warrior. Were wallets created recently for the drop or are they more established wallets? -Look at the ALGO balances of wallets that own a wildlife warrior and show the distribution balances -Look at how many Wildlife Warriors each wallet holds. -Is there a correlation between how many Wildlife Warriors a wallet holds and their ALGO balance? Tips: To look at the list of the asset_ids of the NFTs: select * from algorand.asset where asset_name like 'Warrior Croc%' and (creator_address = 'A62XRVE7ZWSXLAA4YDDI7GUMCHML2TT3JXFT3OWTVQAKOZSBGNT7FX5YQU' or creator_address = ‘SRRIUGPVPPGST3KPH32XQXTE567G6LHCEX2IMHDRW2IWH3427UVWXRXHCQ')"