The Law Offices of NEAR
Smart Contract Deployment: Was defined (querried) as Transaction Hashes (which are unique, same as transaction ID) where the action_name label = 'DeployContract' and the Method_Name label = ‘new’ (in order to do so the near.core.fact_actions_events and near.core.fact_actions_events_function_call tables were joined on tx_hash).
Deploy contract action is the main identifier for smart contract deployments, while method label = new is included in order to separate actual new contract deployments from new updates to already deployed contracts.
As for Dashboard Structure: in the Analysis section first we will see a general overview of the hisorical smart contract deployments and following that we will observe the smae for the selected time period (Last 15 days).
TOP 5 Contracts: This was defined by, firstley conecting the Contract deployment hash id from the contracts deployed in the last 15 days, to said contract’s name (via tx_reciever on the near.core.fact_transactions table) and then counting how many transactions said contract has recieved up to now. (and selecting the top 5)
This dashboard is answering: Q7. Provide your best assessment of the number of smart contracts deployed on NEAR and clearly outline your methodology (after all, contract lawyers love clearly specified terms).
Visualize the number of new smart contracts deployed over time over a time period of your choosing. What are the top 5 new smart contracts interacted in that period of your choosing?
By separating NEAR data as is explained in the methodology above, a total of 9237 smart contract deployments (so distinct smart contracts) were identified. At least since September 1 2021, which seems to be the timeline limit of the available data. With NEAR having launched in 2020, it is posible previous smart contracts are not considered in the tables.
As for the chart directly under, it shows how these 9237 Smart contracts are spread out through specific dates.
With a high point in January and a rebounding spike in May, amount of smart contracts being deployed daily has decreaced.
The Bounty’s only literal question is about the new smart contracts in the selected time period (15 days) which was answered above, with nro 1 by a long shot being nghiatutuan.near, a paras testnet contract.
But some othe relevant insights (summarized) are: Generaly more contract deployments mid week, 250 new smart contracts deployed in the last 15 days, fall in smart contract deployment amounts since may but it seems to be recuperating a bit recentley, High point in historical smart contract deployment in January 2022, roughly 9240 distinct smart contracts deployed since September 1 2021 (available information start date).
**General Overview**
In the last 15 Day period 250 new smart contracts were deployed. When we compare the daily chart to the histotical daily chart psoted previousley we can se a small spike in deployments currently occuring.
Other noticable aspects are the tipical fall in volume during weekends, and seeming growth in recent days (please note that Aug 2 is no complete since its the day of creation of this dashboard and therefore will posibly be quite higher in number).
There was an increase in volume last week when compared to the previous one. This week has just started but seems likley to continue this trend.
Deployment volume this week is recuperating from the weekend (29, 30, 31) with monday having the same with Tuesday already having more deployments than Monday at only half a day.
Deployment volume seems to genraly be concentrated in mid week days (with some exeptions like Monday 25th).
**15 Days Overview**
Out of the 250 contracts created in the last 15 days. These are the top 5 by amount of transactions received.
Number 1 nghiatutuan.near apears to be a contract used in the nghiatutuan testnet on paras.