Solana Bounties: MonkeDAO Whale Voters

    Q51. Extension off the MonkeDAO question last week: A month ago, the MonkeDAO pressed the Solana Monkey Business team for various changes to be made to the royalty and NFT structure to foster growth for the collection. Ultimately this resulted in the first NFT on-chain vote on Solana to accept or reject the SMB team's proposal, with a 'no' likely resulting in a separation of the two groups. In the end, the MonkeDAO voted to unify with the SMB team and to grow their relationship together. Break down the voting behavior for the first three proposals by the following number of monkes per wallet (1 SMB, 2-3 SMBs, 4+ SMBs). Are there any patterns that you see based on number of SMBs used to vote in a wallet? Why do you think ""whales"" voted the way that they did?