EVM - 24. Avalanche Dex Tools

    Flipside keeps shipping and this past week they shipped a dex swaps table (avalanche.core.ez_dex_swaps). This DEX swap table includes swaps from Trader Joe, WOOFi, GMX, Kyber(both classic and elastic), Platypus, Pangolin, Frax, Sushi, Curve, hashflow, Uniswap(Soon), and Balancer(soon). Create a dashboard or a tool that utilizes this new table. Here are some ideas for inspiration. (Your dashboard can be entirely different from these ideas.) Popular Asset Monitor- Monitors the most popular and rising assets being traded into across Avalanche DEXes. Looks at the number of users trading the assets and at what volume. Popular LP Monitor- Monitors popular trading pairs and LP pools and calculates the pools with the largest volume of trading. Popular DEX Monitor- looks at the USD volume of DEXes to help the ecosystem determine which DEXes are the most popular Token Swaps History Explorer: A tool that allows users to explore and analyze their transaction history of token swaps on decentralized exchanges