Cosmic Champs Token Launch

    Algorand based NFT Game Cosmic Champs have launched their project token $COSG. Let’s look at what users are doing with it. Use the swaps table to look at $COSG and show daily swap to and swap from volume for the asset. Note any trends There is a Yieldly Staking Pool for $COSG ( Show how many stake actions a day are occurring. Plot the staking amounts(the amount of $COGS staked) by day over time on a scatter plot. What types of trends do you see?


    We see the bar chart volume swap_volume awap to below These two values increase and decrease together. The maximum value of both days is 20 apr and the lowest is 30 apr volume swap = 87.51127 K volume swap to = 87.70921 K

    In this dashboard, 5 charts have been prepared, two of which are bar charts and 3 line charts;

    1. Token Volume Comparison between Swapped to and Swapped from

    2. Number of Unique Wallets Trade on Cosmic Champs Token Comparison (Swapped to / Swapped from)

    3. Number of Trade on Cosmic Champs Token Comparison (between Swapped to/Swapped from)

    4. Volume of Staking Actions(on Yieldly Pool)

    5. Number of Staking Actions(on Yieldly Pool)

    volume staking apr 21 = 7.37004 M and suddenly decreases sharply and the downward trend continues.

    The line chart is number of trade. The value of Trade swap to apr 21 is at its peak of 1310, then I fall suddenly and after that it goes up, but it does not reach the previous peak. The Trade swap from chart has similar conditions to Trade swap to. In two days apr 22_24 these two values are very close to each other.

    We can see the second bar chart of the value of wallet swap and wallet swap to. Two days apr 20_21 the amount of wallet swap is more than wallet swap to, but from apr22 the amount of wallet swap is more than wallet swap to.


    The last Staking transaction chart of this chart also has a decreasing trend and reaches from 829 in apr 21 (maximum value during the period under review) to 484 in May 1 (lowest value during the period under review).