mariya Total amount of gALGO3 minted over time
    Updated 2022-04-27
    with tx_ids as (select
    from algorand.application_call_transaction
    -- where date_trunc('hour',block_timestamp) between date_trunc('hour',to_timestamp('2022-03-31 12:00:00.000'))
    -- and date_trunc('hour',to_timestamp('2022-04-14 18:00:00.000'))
    where TRY_BASE64_DECODE_STRING(tx_message :txn :apaa [0] :: STRING) = 'm'
    group by 1
    block_timestamp::date as date ,
    sum(asset_amount/1e6 )as minted_amount
    from algorand.asset_transfer_transaction
    where asset_id = 694432641
    and tx_id in (select * from tx_ids )
    and inner_tx = true
    group by 1
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