CryptoPunks Sales and Traders


    I. Sales Activity

    In the section below we can explore the recent sales activity of the Crypto Punks collection to obtain a better understanding of the current trading activity surrounding the project.

    While many of the NFTs can and are being sold directly in exchange for ETH, an increasing number of Punks are being traded for PUNKS on the NFTX Marketplace. In all cases however, and as is the tradition in the Ethereum NFT space, prices are expressed in ETH so we are going to have prices converted to that, in addition to the USD prices and values.

    II. Buyers and Sellers

    NFT projects are always at risk of becoming closed off and starting a competition of inner trading that ultimately results in the exhaustion of capital within the community. For this reason it is important that new buyers and sellers join the market over time and this is what we are exploring in the section below.

    The new users referred to in the charts have had their first ever Crypto Punks purchase/sale on the marked date and is not only relative to the selected timeframe_months parameter.


    III. CryptoTraders

    Traders buy and sell Crypto Punks with the objective of obtaining a profit. However, the two actions can take place at various time intervals, dependent on the market activity, as well as on the asking price oftentimes determined by the attributes mix of each NFT.

    The section below ranks active CP traders based on a few different aspects and actions executed within the selected timeframe_months.


    Selected parameter applies to all visualizations. Cumulative values use the data in the selected timeframe_months. Log in required.

    Large time frame values might cause queries to time out.


    • Sales Activity
    • Buyers and Sellers
    • CryptoTraders

    What we can see however is that while some traders generate a lot of trading volume, they do not necessarily coincide with the most profitable ones for the same period. To calculate their realized profit, we’re going to look at the purchasing price they paid for each of the Punks they’ve sold during the observed time frame.

    Each of the sold Punks are labeled based on the period they were acquired by the seller. If the token was added to a wallet prior to the start date of the selected timeframe_months, it will be considered as OLD inventory. All other tokens will be labeled as NEW relative to the observed period.


    As many Punks might have a longer period from being purchased to resold, traders might end up building up an inventory that they can then have ready for the right opportunity. For fancy reasons however, we will call inventories collections.

    Below we’re going to explore the collections that have added the most number of Punks over the observed period. In some cases we are going to see large new collections that did not show up in the previous sections on trading activity. On closer inspection, these addresses are oftentimes cold wallets or multisig vaults used to securely store one’s NFTs.

    Aditionally the change can be visualized relative to the initial amount of tokens in the collection.


    Traders and Collectors have a close relationship where one enables the other’s activity. On one side, Traders facilitate the exchange of value between users and sustain a liquid market. On the other side, Collectors provide a point of stability and a source of belief into the long term value of the project.

    As long as we can see Traders trading and Collectors collecting, Crypto Punks will continue to be one of the premiere NFT projects on the Ethereum blockchain and beyond.


    Questions? Feedback? Want to say hi?

    Twitter: @k2rbpz || Discord: marqu#1790 ||