Terra Bounty - Anchor Dominance

    In this dashboard we will look at the "dominance of Anchor." Anchor is a protocol designed to offer users a low volatility savings product. Currently the protocol targets ~20% APY. With such an attractive product offering (at least relative to traditional finance savings products), it is worth understanding how users are engaging. To do this, we will look at the wallet share that Anchor has for 'active' terra wallets. We define active having transacted on the Terra blockchain within the past 30 days. We define the amount of share in Anchor by looking at the total USD of 'aUST' which is a claim depositors have to the staking rewards from their deposited UST. Below we see that for the average active terra user, about 33% of wallet share is held in aUST, or deposited in Anchor. That seems like a popular savings product!