Hop Bridge Volume

    How many Matic token were bridged in 2022 per day from ethereum to layer2 using Hop?


    In this dashboard I showed:

    • Amount of MATIC transferred using Hop Bridge from Ethereum to layer 2
    • Number of unique wallets transferred their MATIC using Hop Bridge from Ethereum to layer 2
    • Number of transactions that MATIC transferred from Ethereum to layer 2 using Hop Bridge

    DAily Amount of MATIC

    In the following graph, you can see how much MATIC has been sent to layer 2 using Hop Bridge since the beginning of 2022. April 11th was the most active day of Hop with the transfer of 150k MATIC.



    In 2022, overall 1088 unique wallets in 2321 different transactions, bridged more than 2m MATICs using the Hop bridge (from Ethereum to layer 2s).


    Here we have the number of transactions. As you can see March 10th was the busiest day with 42 transactions from layer 1 to layer 2.

    The number of unique wallets reached its highest number on January 5th and 12th with 33 unique wallets bridging their MATICs.