mo1151- OP 4th airdrop - groups
    Updated 2024-10-10
    with wallets as (select
    TO_ADDRESS as wallet,
    AMOUNT as op,
    case when op <=100 then 'less than 100 OP'
    when (op <=500 and op>100) then '100_500 OP'
    when (op <=1000 and op>500) then '500_1k OP'
    when (op <=2000 and op>1000) then '1-2k OP'
    when (op <=3000 and op>2000) then '2-3k OP'
    when (op <=4000 and op>3000) then '3-4k OP'
    when (op <=5000 and op>4000) then '4-5k OP'
    when (op <6000 and op>5000) then '5-6k OP'
    when (op =6000 ) then '6k OP'
    else null end as groups
    from optimism.core.ez_token_transfers
    where FROM_ADDRESS= '0xfb4d5a94b516df77fbdbcf3cfeb262baaf7d4db7'
    and CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042'
    select count(wallet) as wallets, sum(op) as total_op, (total_op/wallets) as avg_op,groups
    from wallets
    group by groups
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived