Bridger Destinations
in this dashboards, i answer this questions :
Where do people go when they bridge to Polygon from Ethereum?
What are the 10 most popular first destinations for Polygon addresses that have just bridged from Ethereum?
To find the the number of users who had a bridge transaction i used the ethereum.core.fact_event_logs
table And I used this contrancts (0x401f6c983ea34274ec46f84d70b31c151321188b (plasma bridge) and 0xa0c68c638235ee32657e8f720a23cec1bfc77c77(pos bridge)) and use this condition ORIGIN_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE !='0x3805550f'
To remove transactions that is bridge from Polygon to Ethereum
and then I used the polygon.core.fact_event_logs table to find the transactions of these users And I joined it with polygon.core.dim_labels table to find the label and contract type of transactions.
Chart & Analysis (The review and analysis is related to the date 2022-06-06 onwards)
The most used platform by users is opensea (in just a few days, opensea transaction statistics were high and caused the number of transactions to increase)And after that, there is the quickswap exchange, which, unlike opensea, has been used continuously (daily) by users
And by comparing the contract and platforms used by users, we reach these results:
The token_contract contract has been the most used contract by users, which is mostly related to the opensea platform.
The second most used contract is swap_contract, which is mostly related to quickswap dex.
And the third most used contract is bridge, which can almost be said to be completely related to hop protocol.
More complete details are shown in the charts below