Ethereum Gas Fee Surge

    This deep dive dashboard aims to investigate the recent surge in Ethereum gas fees since the beginning of April, with a focus on the top decentralized applications (DApps) and use cases that have contributed to this increase. Additionally, we will explore the amount of ETH burned as a result of these top apps in terms of gas fees and determine if the increased gas fees have discouraged users from interacting with Ethereum

    Contact information

    Discord: sami-1990#2840

    Tweeter: Samiiiiii12122

    What Is Ethereum Gas? What Is Gwei?

    Before we dive into Ethereum gas explained below, it’s first worth understanding the definitions and terms we’ll be using. Contrary to how the terms are often used, ETH, Gwei, and gas are not the same thing.

    Gas is a unit representing computational power that is required to process requests or transactions on Ethereum. Gas is measured to estimate the fees needed for a transaction to be processed within the network. ETH or Ether is the currency that pays for gas units to be processed. Gwei is a unit of ETH that is used to pay the transaction fee [1].

    Welcome to the Ethereum gas price analysis dashboard. This dashboard will focus on Ethereum network gas prices over the past month. The goal is to see, first of all, what is the reason for the increase in Ethereum gas during this period, and What platforms and sectors have had the most impact? In short, what we will discuss in this article are:

    1- General trends in the Ethereum transations and gas prices

    2-Fee paid by sectors and platforms

    3-Ethereum Gas price effects on Layer 2



    Flipsidecrypto tables have been used to extract transactions data. In this dashboard to extract Ethereum data “Ethereum.core.fact_transactions table will be used.

    To extract Polygon data “polygon.core.fact_transactions“ table will be used.

    To extract Arbitrum data “arbitrum.core.fact_transactions“ table will be used.

    To extract Optimism data “optimism.core.fact_transactions“ table will be used.

    • In this dashboard, two time frames, long-term and short-term, have been considered, starting from the first of 2023 and from the first of May. The reason for this assumption is that the start date of the Ethereum network gas increase is almost the first of May.