Miso User Base

    Analyze the user base of Miso. How many users does it have across how many chains? Chart that by week and by month. Has the recent bear market affected that?




    MISO is a suite of open-source smart contracts created to ease the process of launching a new project on the SushiSwap exchange. MISO aims to drive new capital and trade to the exchange by increasing the attractiveness of SushiSwap as a place for token creators and communities to launch new project tokens.

    1- MISO users


    2- MISO users transactions



    • The total number of MISO platform users in all chains is approximately 34 k users.
    • The Ethereum network has the largest number of users, followed by BSC and Polygon.
    • The monthly chart shows that in almost all months, users of the Ethereum network have worked with this platform more than other chains. Of course, the three months of May, June and July 2022 are exceptions, when there were more users of the Polygon network.
    • This platform had the largest number of users in August 2021.
    • What is clear is that the number of users has gradually decreased significantly and in recent months they have decreased greatly. This decrease in the number of users can be the result of a bear market.


    • Almost a similar trend can be seen in the number of transactions.
    • The largest number of transactions have happened on the Ethereum network, which means that more users have tried to focus on the auctions on the Ethereum network.
    • After them are BSC, Polygon and Avalanche respectively.
    • The highest number of transactions was in August.
    • The number of transactions has decreased sharply in recent months compared to the beginning of 2021.


    • The total number of MISO platform users in all chains is approximately 34 k users.
    • The Ethereum network has the largest number of users, followed by BSC and Polygon.
    • The monthly chart shows that in almost all months, users of the Ethereum network have worked with this platform more than other chains.
    • This platform had the largest number of users and transactions in August 2021.
    • What is clear is that the number of users has gradually decreased significantly and in recent months they have decreased greatly. This decrease in the number of users can be the result of a bear market.
    • The largest number of transactions have happened on the Ethereum network, which means that more users have tried to focus on the auctions on the Ethereum network.
    • The number of transactions has decreased sharply in recent months compared to the beginning of 2021.
    • Polygon has had the largest number of auctions, followed by BSC and Ethereum. The number of auctions has decreased in recent months.
    • In most of the months of 2021, the most auctions were on the Ethereum network, but in recent months, most of the auctions were made on the Polygon. Maybe low transactions fee is the main reason for this choosing Polygon.

    An overview of this article

    This article tries to give you complete information about MISO users, auctions, and transactions. Main topic are as follows:

    1- MISO users

    2-MISO transactions

    3- MISO auctions


    • This platform is active on various chains, the most important of which are also focused on in this article are Ethereum, Binance smart chain (BSC), Polygon, Avalanche, and Arbitrum.

    • To extract MISO data “ethereum.core.fact_event_logs“, “polygon.core.fact_event_logs”,”arbitrum.core.fact_event_logs”, ”avalanche.core.fact_event_logs” , ”bsc.core.fact_event_logs” tables are used.

    • ORIGIN_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE='0x29762960' and '0xdc97e082' are two common conditions that should be considered to extract MISO transactions from tables.

    • All these data are extracted from Flipsidecrypto tables.

    3- MISO Auctions



    The next parameter is the number of auctions made on each of these platforms.

    • Polygon has had the largest number of auctions, followed by BSC and Ethereum.
    • The monthly chart shows that April 2022 had the largest number of auctions by a large margin.
    • The number of auctions has decreased in recent months.
    • In most of the months of 2021, the most auctions were on the Ethereum network, but in recent months, most of the auctions were made on the Polygon network. Maybe low transactions fee is the main reason for this choosing Polygon.

    what problems does it solve?

    • MISO is the Minimal Initial SushiSwap Offering, think of it like an ICO platform for projects that want to launch their tokens on sushiswap and gain liquidity from possible interested investors.
    • MISO is beneficial for both projects, as it helps them get easy way to get liquidity, they can also create tokens for you, distribute tokens and manage liquidity for you.
    • All this comes for a small fee plus the benefit of being listed on Sushiswap.