wETH Deposit Rate

    Calculate the deposit rate of wETH over time on Osmosis. How does this compare to SushiSwap and Thorchain now? How does the wETH deposit rate compare to when wETH was a relatively new asset (or the protocol was relatively new)? Is Osmosis growing at a faster rate than Thorchain and Sushiswap?



    In this dashboard we will look at the deposit rate of wETH over time on Osmosis. Then we will compare it to SushiSwap and Thorchain as following:

    • Number of wETH deposits on Osmosis over time
    • wETH deposit volume on Osmosis over time
    • Compare the number of wETH deposits on Osmosis, SushiSwap and Thorchain
    • Compare volume of wETH deposits on Osmosis, SushiSwap and Thorchain

    First to find number of wETH deposits on Osmosis we will be using osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions table by action='pool_joined' and currency='ibc/EA1D43981D5C9A1C4AAEA9C23BB1D4FA126BA9BC7020A25E0AE4AA841EA25DC5' for Axelier Bridge (axlWETH) or currency='65381C5F3FD21442283D56925E62EA524DED8B6927F0FF94E21E0020954C40B5' for Gravity Bridge (gwETH).

    In the above chart we can see significant increase in deposits on Osmosis in March 2022.

    The above chart shows wETH deposited to Osmosis over time. In May 25, 2022 the most volume of wETH deposited to Osmosis.

    In the above chart number of deposits on Osmosis compared to SushiSwap and Thorchain. We can see number of deposits on Osmosis is much more than number of deposits on SushiSwap when SushiSwap was a new platform. It also in more than number of deposits on Thorchain when Thorchain was a new platform.

    In the above chart volume of wETH deposits on Osmosis compared to SushiSwap and Thorchain. We can see the volume on SushiSwap was much higher than Osmosis when it was a new platform.