Team11-miniproject2-Fidenza analysis

    Fidenza is one of the most versatile generative algorithms to date, created by Tyler Hobbs. This is one of the most intriguing methods to assess the quality of a generative algorithm making it undoubtedly unique to the medium. Hence, we wanted to dive deeper into analysing more about different Fidenza NFTs and answering a few interesting questions with the following visuals: 1. What is the price of the Highest purchased Fidenza in terms of ETH? 2. Finding the total sales of the highest purchased Fidenza NFT in USD and ETH. 3. Finding the total of all the secondary sales on opensea and estimating the revenue(in eth and USD) the creator has made from commissions. 4. Finding the most resold art piece (NFT), including the image of that particular NFT(#125). 5. Adding a Parameter to the total secondary sales and creators' commission to help the user find the revenue between specific start and end dates.