Polygon Platform Overview

    Welcome to my first dashboard, where I dive into web3 data analysis by directly engaging with it. I still have much to learn and I value any inputs or feedback you may have. The primary goal of this dashboard is to show the activity levels of platforms within the Polygon DeFi ecosystem (can be adjusted by the parameter, some platforms are: hashflow, fraxswap, sushiswap, curve, dodo-v2, woofi, dodo-v1, quickswap-v2, kyberswap-v2, quickswap-v3, kyberswap-v1, uniswap-v3, uniswap-v2, hashflow-v3, balancer). Key Features: Total Swap Amount & Number of Swaps: To understand the volume and frequency of transactions and notice the trend in average transaction amounts. Top 3 Pool Swaps Over Time: To help identify trending swaps on the platform. Key Metrics: Total transactions, Recent transactions, Percentage of total transactions, Total pools, Recently active pools, Percentage of total pools These metrics help us gauge the platform's activity compared to its entire history. Additionally, the dashboard includes information on the top pools and top swappers, offering intriguing insights into the platform's dynamics.