Overview and simulation of Li.Fi users(based on connext)

    In this dashboard, we check the general status of Li.Fi users, we also check the airdrop status of Li.Fi users based on airdrop connext and give them a rank and score.


    In this dashboard, you can see the general status of li.fi users in the overview section.

    Also the li.fi airdrop simulator is based on connext airdrop, and you can check your wallet in the airdrop simulator section. For this filter simulator, at least 5 transactions and 100 dollars of filter volume have been placed, and based on connext airdrop points mentioned at the bottom of this text, the wallets have been ranked and scored.

    1. 10 or more transactions.
    2. 25 or more transactions.
    3. 50 or more transactions.
    4. At least 3 unique months.
    5. At least 6 unique months.
    6. At least 9 unique months.
    7. At least 12 unique months.
    8. Transacted at least $1,000.
    9. Transacted at least $2,500.
    10. Transacted at least $5,000.
    11. used 3 or more source chains.
    12. used 6 or more source chains.