Secondary Sales Activity

    Q2. How many Lil Nouns have been sold on a secondary exchange within 24 hours of being minted? Are there any common traits among these Lil Nouns? Which Lil Noun’s have the biggest difference (positive or negative) between their mint price and secondary sale price? Visualize and analyze your findings. Hint: This query looks at Nouns traits. You will need to modify it for Lil Nouns! select block_number as mint_block, block_timestamp as mint_time, tx_hash as mint_hash, contract_address, tokenflow_eth.hextoint(topics[1])::integer as tokenID, tokenflow_eth.hextoint(substr(data,3,64)) as background, tokenflow_eth.hextoint(substr(data,67,64)) as body, tokenflow_eth.hextoint(substr(data,131,64)) as accessory, tokenflow_eth.hextoint(substr(data,195,64)) as head, tokenflow_eth.hextoint(substr(data,259,64)) as glasses from ethereum.core.fact_event_logs where block_number > 12000000 and contract_address = '0x9c8ff314c9bc7f6e59a9d9225fb22946427edc03' and topics[0]::string = '0x1106ee9d020bfbb5ee34cf5535a5fbf024a011bd130078088cbf124ab3092478' order by tokenId desc;