User Behavior(Redux)
This dashboard particularly brings the attention of the viewers to the Optimism network by comparing the behavior of the users in the network with the Ethereum L1 chain. The parameters used for comparison includes swapping events, the normal transactions( which also include the token transfers). Lets dive in.
Optimism is a fast, reliable, and scalable L2 blockchain designed by Ethereum developers for Ethereum developers. Optimism's EVM-equivalent architecture expands your Ethereum projects without unpleasant shocks because it was designed as a minimum addition to the existing Ethereum infrastructure.
The primary distinction between the two is how each produces network fraud-proof. Arboretum employs an interactive technique, but the present iteration of Optimism demands non-interactive fraud-proof. Other variations relating to their interoperability with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and Ethereum tools. One of the many alternatives being tested to deal with Ethereum's congestion issue is the Optimism Rollup network. Since the Ethereum network is frequently almost completely overloaded, scaling methods like Optimism make it possible to continue using Ethereum's transactional capabilities while saving money on gas costs.
To make the crude comparison between the two chains, the number of transactions, Users as well as the common Gas fee collected are also determined. Now, the volume of the swaps in the Sushiswap in Optimism along with the transactions are calculated and charted. Also, the average swap volume per day in Ethereum and the Total swap volume are calculated. The swapping transactions with the users are considered for Ethereum. The fee collected in USD in both chains is also compared. The normal transactions are also determined and compared between both chains. The swap volume of Optimism is also considered for comparison. The swapping transactions are considered with different platforms. Lets us go in-depth into the analysis and see the insights.
The total transactions over time in both the chains are charted here and it is seen that Ethereum has approximately 8 times more transactions than Optimism over time and the trend of the transactions seems to follow the same.
The users involved in transactions are charted here and it is seen that the Ethereum has large magnitude higher user count than the Optimism chain even if the trend in the users remains same.
The Gas fee collected over time in both the chain here show that the Gas fee is also higher in magnitude in Ethereum.
The swap volume are compared here and it is seen that in the recent days the volume of swaps is lesser than the optimism just by the trend even though the smaller amount in Ethereum should be considered a higher value than Optimism. The only decrease is in the trend and not on the absolute volume.
The main comparison is already done and the chart here shows the transactions in the swapping in the Optimism chain over time.It is seen that the trend has been slightly increasing over time with a few dips.
The chart to the left below shows the swaps of the Sushiswap platform over time and hence the viewer can simply compare the swap transactions between two chains.
The total swap volume as well as the average of the swap volume in the Ethereum network over time is calculated here.
the Fee collected by the chains are calculated here and hence it is seen that 96% of the fee are collected by Ethereum and it is well known because of the huge number of users and transactions.
Here begins the direct comparisons of different parameters and it seems that all have similar trend and less value.
The chart of active users shows that in the recent days it has a slight decrease in the trend.
The transactions volume are charted here and here too the chart shows a decreasing trend in the slope.
Average transaction volume with the average transaction fee over time is considered here and it is shown that the average transaction doesn’t have a decreasing trend and the average transaction fee over time is also decreasing.
The pools with the Optimism swap volume is charted here and it is seen that WETH -USDC pools have 12% of the swaps done.
Various intrinsic parameters are compared here and it is clearly visible the hike of Ethereum over Optimism.
Optimism chain is used for this survey and it shows the different platforms included in swaps and it is obvious that Uniswap has more.
Hence by using all these insights the user behavior of Optimism can be compared with the Ethereum chain and it displays that both follow a similar trend .