Updated 2022-12-14
    project_name as collection,
    date_trunc('month',block_timestamp) as DATE,
    sum(sales_amount) as volume,
    count(DISTINCT(TX_ID)) as sales_count,
    sum(volume) over (partition by collection order by date) as cumulative_volume,
    sum(sales_count) over (partition by collection order by date) as cumulative_sales
    from solana.core.fact_nft_sales s left join solana.core.dim_nft_metadata m
    on s.mint=m.mint
    where marketplace='coral cube' and project_name is not null and SUCCEEDED = 'TRUE' and block_timestamp BETWEEN '2022-01-01' and '2022-11-01'
    and project_name in
    'Ape Tribe',
    'Communi3: Mad Scientists',
    'Great Goats',
    'Just Ape.',
    'Kings of Da Street',
    'Bubblegoose Ballers',
    'Okay Bears',
    'Vandal City',
    'Yeah Tigers',
    'Contra Chimps',
    'Oak Paradise',
    'Just Bear',
    'Space Warlock',
    'Gothic Degens',
    'Sengoku Degens',
    'Archaic Degens'

    group by project_name,date
    order by date desc

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