SyndicaOptimism Wallets Transactions Count
    Updated 2024-11-06

    smart_contracts as (
    from_address as contract
    from optimism.core.fact_traces
    where tx_status = 'SUCCESS'
    and type = 'CREATE'
    group by 1
    -- and block_timestamp >= '2024-09-01' and block_timestamp < '2024-10-01'
    -- limit 10

    , base as (
    from_address as user
    , count(distinct tx_hash) as transactions
    , case
    when transactions > 1000000 then '> 1M'
    when transactions > 100000 then '> 100k'
    when transactions > 10000 then '> 10k'
    when transactions > 1000 then '> 1k'
    when transactions > 100 then '> 100'
    else '<= 100'
    end as txs_category
    , case txs_category
    when '> 1M' then 6
    when '> 100k' then 5
    when '> 10k' then 4
    when '> 1k' then 3
    when '> 100' then 2
    else 1
    end as idx
    from optimism.core.fact_transactions
    where status = 'SUCCESS'
    and block_timestamp >= '2024-10-01'
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived