Exploring Uniswap V 🦄🦄🦄

    I've put together a few plots here to show how much actual liquidity is in V3 pools, and how much they're being used. One of the aspects I'm most curious about in V3 is how the concept of virtual liquidity differs from the uniform, basic concept of liquidity in V2.... Will continue to add to this as we go!

    Part of the new reality of V3 is active liquidity management to stay in active tick ranges


    Most Efficient Pools

    This table might seem boring, but don't skip it! The most efficient pools are also the ones where there is a lot of earning potential for LPs...


    Capital Efficiency

    The ability to concentrate liquidity in V3 brings with it the promise of more efficient pools, capable of supporting a higher volume of trades per unit of liquidity. Let's break this down by looking at the ratio of swap volume to TVL over time.



    So are people (fine, addresses, yes I know) making money? How much money? Let's find out! 🐴


    Swap volume matters too, eh? Let's see it! And so much more capitally efficient and stuff!

    Here's a view of how much is added and removed from liquidity positions by hour to go along with that TVL plot.


    Now let's compare virtual liquidity to gross. I have checked this so many times against the reads and the decimals for the underlying assets, and it appears that the virtual liquidity for these large stablecoin only pools is indeed in the many billions.

    The difference between virtual and actual liquidity reflect the increased capital efficiency in v3, as well as the considerable bump in rewards that LPs are seeing on their positions.



    If you want to use this and our other data, get yourself a free velocity account at Flipside

    Let's start with the fun one: overall TVL. This is how much liquidity resides in Uniswap V3 pools, according to contract reads, and my attempts to get prices for as many of the underlying assets as possible (We just need the price of one underlying asset and then we can use the liquidity ratio to convert the asset with the missing price).

    You can explore the differences in this table more directly..
