theericstoneDaily Revenue vs COMP Emissions
    Updated 2023-03-26
    -- revenue for compound is reflected in the change in
    -- reserve value for each market over the course of some time interval
    -- in this case we use 1 day as the interval

    -- first we pull the daily stats we need to calculate both reserve changes
    -- and daily COMP emissions
    with baseline as (
    date_trunc('day',block_hour) as date,
    avg(token_price) as underlying_token_price,
    avg(reserves_token_amount) as reserves_ctoken,
    sum(comp_speed) * 2 as comp_emissions_comp, -- *2 because the contract reports the COMP emitted for EITHER the supply or borrow side of each market
    sum(comp_speed_usd) * 2 as comp_emissions_usd
    from compound.market_stats
    where block_hour > getdate() - interval '3 months'
    group by 1,2

    -- now all we need is the daily difference in the raw reserves for each market
    -- then we can simply sum up the diffs in the final step
    reservediff as (
    reserves_ctoken - lag(reserves_ctoken, 1) ignore nulls over (partition by ctoken_address order by date) as reserve_diff_ctoken,
    reserve_diff_ctoken * underlying_token_price as reserve_diff_usd
    from baseline

    -- put it together: sum the diffs as revenue; sum the comp emissions (cost)
    sum(rd.reserve_diff_usd) as revenue_usd,
    sum(b.comp_emissions_comp) as emissions_comp,
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