theericstonepaxos tagged actions: ethereum
    Updated 2023-12-12
    -- get all USDP transfers from the last 30 days on ethereum
    -- summarize by label, example tags
    -- incorporate swaps, deposits/withdrawals to LPs, and liquid staking as transfer subtypes

    select lt.label, count(1) FROM
    ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers etx
    join ethereum.core.dim_labels lt
    on lt.address = etx.to_address
    where etx.block_timestamp > current_date - 5
    and etx.contract_address = lower('0x8E870D67F660D95d5be530380D0eC0bd388289E1')
    group by 1;
    with whales as (select
    distinct address
    from crosschain.core.dim_tags tags
    where tag_name = 'wallet millionaire'
    and creator = 'flipside'
    and tags.end_date IS NOT NULL

    block_timestamp::date as date,
    from_address, to_address,
    case when lt.label_subtype = 'deposit_wallet' then 'cex deposit'
    when (lf.label_subtype = 'hot wallet' and lt.label_type <> 'cex') then 'cex_withdrawal'
    when tx_hash in (select tx_hash from ethereum.defi.ez_dex_swaps) then 'swap'
    when to_address in (select pool_address from ethereum.defi.dim_dex_liquidity_pools) then 'dex deposit'
    when from_address in (select pool_address from ethereum.defi.dim_dex_liquidity_pools) then 'dex withdrawal'
    when tx_hash in (select tx_hash from ethereum.defi.ez_liquid_staking_deposits) then 'liquid staking deposit'
    when tx_hash in (select tx_hash from ethereum.defi.ez_liquid_staking_withdrawals) then 'liquid staking withdrawal'
    else 'transfer' end as transfer_type,
    case when lt.label in ('1inch','binance','makerdao','curve','curve fi','thorchain','aave') then lt.label
    when etx.to_address in (select address from whales) then 'eth whale'
    else coalesce(lt.label_type,'unlabeled user') end as destination_label,
    case when lf.label in ('1inch','binance','makerdao','curve','curve fi','thorchain','aave') then lf.label