Flash Bounty: NFT Royalty Comparison
Which platform is the king of NFT royalties?
Royalties on NFT projects are often a controversial topic. Many projects have them in place, but lots of buyers and sellers are against them. This dashboard will display data on which marketplaces have paid the most royalties, as well as show how these numbers are proportional to the total NFT volume. Remember, NFT project owners are the ones who decide the royalties on their projects. This data should not influence which marketplace you choose if you’re looking to escape from paying royalties. Enjoy :)
This dashboard will use Flipside tabels to display data on:
- The marketplaces paying the most in royalties.
- The USD value of royalties compared to the NFT sale volume on marketplaces.
- The projects which have produced the most in royalties.
- The amount of royalties paid compared to the price of ETH.
Hopefully this data will help us decide which dashboard is the king of NFT royalties.
The marketplaces in question are Opensea, Looksrare, and x2y2.

Part 1, Total Royalties Per Exchange
These first charts will show the total royalties paid by marketplaces compared to the total NFT volume. For the line charts, the numbers on the left and the blue line represent total NFT volume while the numbers on the right and the orange line represent total royalties paid.
Part 1 Analysis
While the charts may lead some to believe that there are equal royalties to NFT volume in USD values, the charts really show that these number are proportional. When there are spikes in NFT volume, there are almost always proportional spikes in royalties paid. The charts also show that Opensea usually has more royalties per project as the royalties are more closely linked to total volume. On the flipside (get it), x2y2 may have less royalties per project for the opposite reason.
Part 2, NFT Projects with the most royalties // Analysis
Does the floor price of an NFT project have any correlation to the total royalties paid for that project? This chart shows that Art Blocks has paid the most in royalties will almost 100m USD in royalties. However, Art Blocks is not one project, but a group of several projects. For the Opensea section, this refers to the NFTs on Opensea’s shared contract. Therefore, the individual NFT project with the most royalties is BAYC, followed by their other project, The Otherside.
Part 3, Royalties/ETH Price + Total NFT Volume/Royalties
These 2 final charts display the royalties paid compared to the price of ETH as well as the royalties paid against NFT volume on all marketplaces. We can see that the price of ETH is not directly correlated to the number of royalties paid out. However, there is a closer connection between the royalties paid and total NFT volume.

This data shows several things, notably:
- There is often a close correlation between the increase in NFT volume and the increase of royalties.
- Opensea often has higher royalties per project compared to other marketplaces.
- Opensea has an extremely clear market dominance in NFT volume and royalties.
- BAYC and the Otherside have been paid the most in royalties.
- There is no correlation between the price of ETH and royalties paid out.
So which marketplace is the king of royalties? I would have to say OPENSEA.