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    There’s been some unusual activity with Gnosis as pointed out by our community. Time to figure out exactly what’s going on. Take a deep dive into recent activity on Gnosis, especially recent rapid rises in the number of active users, transactions, and more. Make any hypothesis you can about what is driving this activity. Is there a new dapp that launched? Is there some incentive program going on? Or is the spike in users/txns due to some sybil attack?



    When we look at the activities of the users, it is surprising that on the ==twenty-eighth of September, about eleven thousand people joined the network.== But more surprising than that is the date of ==October 5, when fifty five thousand new users have suddenly joined== the network,

    but the interesting thing is that we do not see any special point in the number of transactions in September, but ==October 5 coincided with an increase in the volume of transactions to three hundred and sixty three==.

    The thousand reached has almost tripled compared to the previous days.

    In the next part, I want to check the amount of gas in the network, because usually when a certain event is going on in the network, such as airdrops, it suddenly increases in the network.🔰



    In this dashboard, to show recent activities in Gnosis in the last ==30 days==, I have first looked at ==new users compared to old users==. And then I have checked the status of the ==number of transactions== in this period use table gnosis.core.fact_transactions

    Then to the ==gas during== this time gnosis.core.fact_blocks

    The ==frequency of events== gnosis.core.fact_event_logs

    Xdai ==volume transferred== gnosis.core.ez_xdai_transfers

    and ==bridge volume== of this network gnosis.core.fact_event_logs

    What is Gnosis? (GNO)

    Gnosis aims to provide an open-source infrastructure for prediction markets built on Ethereum.

    The network ==gas also increased== a lot on ==September 29th,==

    but there was no difference on October 5th.

    It seems that there were events taking place on September 29th.🤔

    It is better to take a look at the table events to see what actions were popular in this period🔰

    I did this part with

    desc limit 100

    command I ==filtered== to get more scattered events Apparently, ==October 5== at the same time as the ==number of users increased And according to the events table, the amount of Mint and Bridge transfers has jumped a lot==, and on the contrary, there is nothing visible here on September 28th and 29th.

    In the next part, I want to look at the two factors of frequency of events, transfer and bridge

    In this part, the amount of the ==bridge is not very noticeable==, but the number of users who transferred XDI to the network 5,6 th october and it is shown in orange color has suddenly increased, although it did not have much effect on the volume of the mount.


    > We have seen a lot of activity on October 5th, it has not increased, only the number of users has increased, the volume of transfers has not increased either I tried to search and find a specific reason for this event, but I didn't find any reliable news about why this happened. > > \

    > But for the 29th of September, I saw a news on Twitter that Cask Protocol has joined this network, which can explain the surge of users in that period, gas has also surged on that date.
