📜 Introduction

    What Is Axelar ?

    • Axelar is layer 1 blockchain using proof-of stake consensus that enables users to interact with any application, any asset on any blockchain with one click experience, which is essential for the widespread adoption and mainstream use of blockchain technology
    • What Is Squid ?

    • Squid is a cross-chain swap and liquidity routing protocol built on the Axelar Network. Squid routes all its transactions through axlUSDC/USDC stable swaps pools, and USDC/native token pools Since February 23rd users have been able to swap into 13 different Cosmos Chains via Squid

    🤔 Questions?!

    1. Overall Swap Stats
      • Total & Average Swap Volume
      • Total Swapper & Swap Count
      • Tx Count by destination chain
      • Weekly Swap & Unique Swappers
      • Weekly New Swapper Over Time
    2. Swaps Metrics breakdown by Cosmos Chain
      • Weekly Swapped Volume by Destination Chain
      • Weekly and total Share of Swapped Volume
      • Weekly Swap transactions breakdown by Chains
      • weekly and total Share of swap transactions
    3. Swap Routes From Source Chain
      • Cumulative & Share Volume Sent by Source Chain
      • Weekly Share and Swapped volume over time
      • Tx-count route from source chain
      • Total Volume sent by Route
    4. Squid Effect on Cosmos Ecosystem
      • Weekly Unique Users sperated by Squid Launch
      • Weekly Tx Count sperated by Squid Launch

    🔎 Methodology

  1. In this article our main goal is to anlyze swaps activity on squid to cosmos chain for this purpose we are going to use flipside data tables:
    1. The main table is axelar.core.ez_squid which I filtered data by 'DESTINATION_CHAIN' and 'Block_Timestamp'
    2. Also I joined this table with source chain tables to find swap routes from origin chain to cosmos chains
  2. Moreover we'll mainly focus on 13 provided cosmos destenations chains on squid which is : umee, kujira, agoric, axelarnet, crescent, terra2, juno, evmos, stargaze, secret, osmosis, comdex, and assetmantle
  3. Also notice that we are going to calculate transactions from Febuary 23rd of 2023 because swap to cosmos chains were available from this date
  4. Also I just calculate transactions with "succeded" tag