Daily Transactions and Unique Addresses
Jul 12, 2022 - Q1. Count and plot the number of daily transactions and unique addresses on Polygon, beginning July 1, 2022.
Waiting for Aurory
Jul 19, 2022 - Aurory is one of the most highly anticipated games to come out on any chain. Create a dashboard highlighting wallet trends around both the tokens and NFTs. Does the price of Aurory token have a positive correlation with the volume of NFT sales? How have token staking and NFT expedition patterns changed in the bear market? What have wallets been doing with their airdropped NFTs?
NEAR Performance
Jul 19, 2022 - Q5. How does NEAR stock up to other L1s in terms of speed and performance? How fast is NEAR, and compare it with other blockchain speeds in terms of transactions per minute and percentage of transactions that fail.
Solana Free Square
Jun 15, 2022 - Q86. This week we want to try something new. We want you to essentially write your own bounty question and answer it yourself. Pick any topic around Solana that you find relevant and interesting and analyze it.