adriaparcerisas | Flipside Analyst


    DIY Algorand New User Bounty

    DIY Algorand New User Bounty

    Mar 24, 2022 - Q39. Build a step by step guide for beginner analysts to teach them about sql and how to make visualizations in the Flipside Velocity app. The documentation should have the sql code explaining the functions used and also explain the crypto currency terms and why they are important. Incorporating how to use the tips given in data exploration is encouraged. The questions to be answered are: Let's look at the popularity of centralized exchanges(CEX) when it comes to Algorand. Chart the volume of ALGOs moved to each CEX by day since the beginning of 2021. Chart the volume of ALGOs moved from each CEX by day over time since the beginning of 2021. Tips: Use the Algorand Labels Table to identify CEXs Use the payment transaction table to identify ALGOs being sent to CEXs and from CEX The two questions above have been bountied. Here are some of the top scored submissions. Example Step by Step Guides:
