ah-work65-bkHATa | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Apr 10, 2022
    Number users keep coming back
    How many wallets have deposited USDC and USDT on Folks Finance
    Distinct Wallets
    Show the number of trades from gALGO3 by day
    includes all addresses for all kashi pairs on polygon
    Also chart the volume of trades from gALGO3 by day
    Top 5 least expensive ASAs
    Addresses for Swap Pairs on Polygon for SUSHI
    Top 10 Yieldly staking pools on Total Staked Yieldy
    Number and cumulative ETH deposits
    What percent of wallets that have deposited USDC and USDT on Folks Finance has staked fUSDC and fUSDT in the farming pools
    What is the ALGO balance distribution of Astros and Pixel Astros hodlers
    What are the top 10 most popular to swap to from gALGO3
    top 10 ASAs by volume in the last 90 days
    Untitled Query
    the percentage of LP tokens held by wallets
    Total Yieldy percent
    How many new wallets were created in May
    Total sale volume
    reward payments were sent
    Which ERC20 tokens have been deposited the most (in $ volume and total count) in the last 60 days
    Untitled Query
    Show deposits and withdraws by day for these farm pools.
    Percentage of wallets they hold LP to total wallets
    Addresses for Swap Pairs on Polygon for SUSHI
    How many of these wallets have performed a swap
    Number users are supplying and borrowing the same asset on AlgoFi
    inflows and outflows by volume and number pBTC
    Also chart the volume of trades To gALGO3 by day
    Top 5 most expensive ASAs
    Copy of the percentage of LP tokens held by wallets
    What is the ALGO balance distribution of wallets that have tried farming fUSDC and fUSDT
    Untitled Query
    Show the number of Astros and Pixel Astros each wallet holds?