asghar1993 | Flipside Analyst


    Joined Dec 11, 2021
    Send UST from terra
    Untitled Query
    Untitled Query
    Untitled Query
    gaia nft
    Untitled Query
    Deposit UST to bid for a liquidation
    Delegate flow
    Funding wallet with NEAR
    Untitled Query
    add liquidity with RUNE in ust pool
    Using daoSOL on Saber
    Untitled Query
    Provide liquidity to one of the pools
    Split LUNA into pLUNA and yLUNA
    Untitled Query
    Untitled Query
    Stake SPEC in governance
    Untitled Query
    Deposit some of your UST to earn yield
    add pluna-prism to pool
    Swap LUNA to ASTRO
    Untitled Query
    Acquire SPEC
    Entering LP tokens into the farm
    Untitled Query
    borrowing bentobox in sushi swap
    Untitled Query
    Untitled Query
    Untitled Query
    Stake KUJI
    Delegate Luna
    Redeeming token
    Deposit ust
    Add liquidity Matic/Weth in pool
    Untitled Query
    Untitled Query
    Swapping wNEAR for USN