Hot Contracts on Osmosis
Jul 12, 2022 - Q20. A lot of new contracts are being deployed on Osmosis lately. Since the beginning of May, answer the following questions: What are the top ten most popular contracts on Osmosis? What is the cumulative total of contracts launched on Osmosis, and have there been any spikes since the Terra crash or other noteworthy events?
HODLers vs LPers vs Stakers
Jul 12, 2022 - Q21. How are users in incentivized pools behaving vs. non-LP OSMO token holders? What about versus stakers? Create an analysis that shows activity for the various types of OSMO holders and chart out some additional activities they’re undertaking. Are users LPing or staking more likely to increase their amount staked? What group is receiving the most IBC transfers into Osmosis?
The Unstakeeeeers
Jul 17, 2022 - How frequently do users on Osmosis unstake their Osmosis? What do they do with the OSMO once unstaked? Do they re-delegate, enter a LP position, or swap into another token? Do they re-delegate to certain validators more frequently than others? Why might this be so?